full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Claire Wardle: Can you outsmart a troll (by thinking like one)?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Your town is holding a mayoral eelciton and the stakes have never been higher: the outomce will decide the fate of a local mmvnoeet to rely on 100% renewable energy. One mayoral nominee, Joanna B. Greene, is a cmioahpn of this movement, while the other, Stannis Quo, staunchly opposes it. He’s announced he’ll use whatever tactics are necessary to win the election. As the municipal cybersecurity expert, you’re on high alert. Election day is near and you suspect that Quo will begin pushing flsae information to swing the election in his fovar.

Open Cloze

Your town is holding a mayoral ________ and the stakes have never been higher: the _______ will decide the fate of a local ________ to rely on 100% renewable energy. One mayoral nominee, Joanna B. Greene, is a ________ of this movement, while the other, Stannis Quo, staunchly opposes it. He’s announced he’ll use whatever tactics are necessary to win the election. As the municipal cybersecurity expert, you’re on high alert. Election day is near and you suspect that Quo will begin pushing _____ information to swing the election in his _____.


  1. movement
  2. false
  3. champion
  4. favor
  5. election
  6. outcome

Original Text

Your town is holding a mayoral election and the stakes have never been higher: the outcome will decide the fate of a local movement to rely on 100% renewable energy. One mayoral nominee, Joanna B. Greene, is a champion of this movement, while the other, Stannis Quo, staunchly opposes it. He’s announced he’ll use whatever tactics are necessary to win the election. As the municipal cybersecurity expert, you’re on high alert. Election day is near and you suspect that Quo will begin pushing false information to swing the election in his favor.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
renewable energy 3
false information 2

Important Words

  1. alert
  2. announced
  3. champion
  4. cybersecurity
  5. day
  6. decide
  7. election
  8. energy
  9. expert
  10. false
  11. fate
  12. favor
  13. greene
  14. high
  15. holding
  16. information
  17. joanna
  18. local
  19. mayoral
  20. movement
  21. municipal
  22. nominee
  23. opposes
  24. outcome
  25. pushing
  26. quo
  27. rely
  28. renewable
  29. stakes
  30. stannis
  31. staunchly
  32. suspect
  33. swing
  34. tactics
  35. town
  36. win